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My Favorite Jazz Jam Session in Williamsburg. 近所の大好きなセッション。

Updated: Dec 7, 2017

熱もすっかりなくなって、カラダも軽くなったので、昨日の朝はYOGAの学校と夜は近所で毎週水曜日に開催されているJazz Jam Sessionにいってきました。



でも、ここのセッションはみんなとっても温かくて、たくさん励ましてくれて(;^^)、私のNYCでの音楽生活を大きく発展させてくれたジャムセッションです。 ホストのアレックスには感謝してもしきれないほど。


NYCに遊びに来てくれた友達はもれなく連れて行かれます (;^^)

I got better yesterday. So I went to the yogs school in the morning, and the Jazz Jam Session which takes place every Wednesday night in my neighborhood.

My throat was still not perfect, but I participated. I was really happy to play with such a great musician.

I couldn't participate for the first time I went to that jam session in this Spring ..Even if I could participate, I got really nervous everytime...then I got depressed on my way home.

People who come to that jam are really great, warm and kind. They encoureged me a lot.

This jam session became really important for my music life. Especially Alex who is the host of the jam gave me courage to paticipate jam always. I can't thank him enough..

I could be close with my mentor thanks to that jam.

I love that jam and I'd love to keep going. I really love Sort of Wine Bar!!!!

If you visit me, I definitely take you there :)

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2 Kommentare

Mari Shiina
Mari Shiina
24. Dez. 2017

mofumofu-cocoさん、コメントありがとうございます :) Alexはベーシストです。写真には写っていないのですが、とっても優しくて素敵なミュージシャンです :)

Gefällt mir

08. Dez. 2017


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